home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/sh
- set -e
- THIS_PACKAGE=x11-apps
- THIS_SCRIPT=postinst
- # $Id$
- # This is the X Strike Force shell library for X Window System package
- # maintainer scripts. It serves to define shell functions commonly used by
- # such packages, and performs some error checking necessary for proper operation
- # of those functions. By itself, it does not "do" much; the maintainer scripts
- # invoke the functions defined here to accomplish package installation and
- # removal tasks.
- # If you are reading this within a Debian package maintainer script (e.g.,
- # /var/lib/dpkg)info/PACKAGE.{config,preinst,postinst,prerm,postrm}), you can
- # skip past this library by scanning forward in this file to the string
- # Use special abnormal exit codes so that problems with this library are more
- # easily tracked down.
- # old -> new variable names
- if [ -z "$DEBUG_XORG_PACKAGE" ] && [ -n "$DEBUG_XFREE86_PACKAGE" ]; then
- fi
- if [ -z "$DEBUG_XORG_DEBCONF" ] && [ -n "$DEBUG_XFREE86_DEBCONF" ]; then
- fi
- # initial sanity checks
- if [ -z "$THIS_PACKAGE" ]; then
- cat >&2 <<EOF
- Error: package maintainer script attempted to use shell library without
- definining \$THIS_PACKAGE shell variable. Please report the package name,
- version, and the text of this error message to the Debian Bug Tracking System.
- Visit <http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting> on the World Wide Web for
- instructions, read the file /usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt from the
- "doc-debian" package, or install the "reportbug" package and use the command of
- the same name to file a report against version $SOURCE_VERSION of this package.
- fi
- if [ -z "$THIS_SCRIPT" ]; then
- cat >&2 <<EOF
- Error: package maintainer script attempted to use shell library without
- definining \$THIS_SCRIPT shell variable. Please report the package name,
- version, and the text of this error message to the Debian Bug Tracking System.
- Visit <http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting> on the World Wide Web for
- instructions, read the file /usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt from the
- "doc-debian" package, or install the "reportbug" package and use the command of
- the same name to file a report against version $SOURCE_VERSION of the
- "$THIS_PACKAGE" package.
- fi
- if [ "$1" = "reconfigure" ] || [ -n "$DEBCONF_RECONFIGURE" ]; then
- else
- fi
- if ([ "$1" = "install" ] || [ "$1" = "configure" ]) && [ -z "$2" ]; then
- fi
- if [ -z "$RECONFIGURE" ] && [ -z "$FIRSTINST" ]; then
- UPGRADE="yes"
- fi
- trap "message;\
- message \"Received signal. Aborting $THIS_PACKAGE package $THIS_SCRIPT script.\";\
- message;\
- reject_nondigits () {
- # syntax: reject_nondigits [ operand ... ]
- #
- # scan operands (typically shell variables whose values cannot be trusted) for
- # characters other than decimal digits and barf if any are found
- while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- # does the operand contain anything but digits?
- if ! expr "$1" : "[[:digit:]]\+$" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- # can't use die(), because it wraps message() which wraps this function
- echo "$THIS_PACKAGE $THIS_SCRIPT error: reject_nondigits() encountered" \
- "possibly malicious garbage \"$1\"" >&2
- fi
- shift
- done
- }
- reject_whitespace () {
- # syntax: reject_whitespace [ operand ]
- #
- # scan operand (typically a shell variable whose value cannot be trusted) for
- # whitespace characters and barf if any are found
- if [ -n "$1" ]; then
- # does the operand contain any whitespace?
- if expr "$1" : "[[:space:]]" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- # can't use die(), because I want to avoid forward references
- echo "$THIS_PACKAGE $THIS_SCRIPT error: reject_whitespace() encountered" \
- "possibly malicious garbage \"$1\"" >&2
- fi
- fi
- }
- reject_unlikely_path_chars () {
- # syntax: reject_unlikely_path_chars [ operand ... ]
- #
- # scan operands (typically shell variables whose values cannot be trusted) for
- # characters unlikely to be seen in a path and which the shell might
- # interpret and barf if any are found
- while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- # does the operand contain any funny characters?
- if expr "$1" : '.*[!$&()*;<>?|].*' > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- # can't use die(), because I want to avoid forward references
- echo "$THIS_PACKAGE $THIS_SCRIPT error: reject_unlikely_path_chars()" \
- "encountered possibly malicious garbage \"$1\"" >&2
- fi
- shift
- done
- }
- # Query the terminal to establish a default number of columns to use for
- # displaying messages to the user. This is used only as a fallback in the
- # event the COLUMNS variable is not set. ($COLUMNS can react to SIGWINCH while
- # the script is running, and this cannot, only being calculated once.)
- DEFCOLUMNS=$(stty size 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $2}') || true
- if ! expr "$DEFCOLUMNS" : "[[:digit:]]\+$" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- fi
- message () {
- # pretty-print messages of arbitrary length
- reject_nondigits "$COLUMNS"
- echo "$*" | fmt -t -w ${COLUMNS:-$DEFCOLUMNS} >&2
- }
- observe () {
- # syntax: observe message ...
- #
- # issue observational message suitable for logging someday when support for
- # it exists in dpkg
- if [ -n "$DEBUG_XORG_PACKAGE" ]; then
- message "$THIS_PACKAGE $THIS_SCRIPT note: $*"
- fi
- }
- warn () {
- # syntax: warn message ...
- #
- # issue warning message suitable for logging someday when support for
- # it exists in dpkg; also send to standard error
- message "$THIS_PACKAGE $THIS_SCRIPT warning: $*"
- }
- die () {
- # syntax: die message ...
- #
- # exit script with error message
- message "$THIS_PACKAGE $THIS_SCRIPT error: $*"
- }
- internal_error () {
- # exit script with error; essentially a "THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN" message
- message "internal error: $*"
- if [ -n "$OFFICIAL_BUILD" ]; then
- message "Please report a bug in the $THIS_SCRIPT script of the" \
- "$THIS_PACKAGE package, version $SOURCE_VERSION to the Debian Bug" \
- "Tracking System. Include all messages above that mention the" \
- "$THIS_PACKAGE package. Visit " \
- "<http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting> on the World Wide Web for" \
- "instructions, read the file" \
- "/usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt from the doc-debian" \
- "package, or install the reportbug package and use the command of" \
- "the same name to file a report."
- fi
- }
- usage_error () {
- message "usage error: $*"
- message "Please report a bug in the $THIS_SCRIPT script of the" \
- "$THIS_PACKAGE package, version $SOURCE_VERSION to the Debian Bug" \
- "Tracking System. Include all messages above that mention the" \
- "$THIS_PACKAGE package. Visit " \
- "<http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting> on the World Wide Web for" \
- "instructions, read the file" \
- "/usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt from the doc-debian" \
- "package, or install the reportbug package and use the command of" \
- "the same name to file a report."
- }
- maplink () {
- # returns what symlink should point to; i.e., what the "sane" answer is
- # Keep this in sync with the debian/*.links files.
- # This is only needed for symlinks to directories.
- #
- # XXX: Most of these look wrong in the X11R7 world and need to be fixed.
- # If we've stopped using this function, fixing it might enable us to re-enable
- # it again and catch more errors.
- case "$1" in
- /etc/X11/xkb/compiled) echo /var/lib/xkb ;;
- /etc/X11/xkb/xkbcomp) echo /usr/X11R6/bin/xkbcomp ;;
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults) echo /etc/X11/app-defaults ;;
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fs) echo /etc/X11/fs ;;
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/lbxproxy) echo /etc/X11/lbxproxy ;;
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/proxymngr) echo /etc/X11/proxymngr ;;
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rstart) echo /etc/X11/rstart ;;
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/twm) echo /etc/X11/twm ;;
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm) echo /etc/X11/xdm ;;
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit) echo /etc/X11/xinit ;;
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb) echo /etc/X11/xkb ;;
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xserver) echo /etc/X11/xserver ;;
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xsm) echo /etc/X11/xsm ;;
- /usr/bin/X11) echo ../X11R6/bin ;;
- /usr/bin/rstartd) echo ../X11R6/bin/rstartd ;;
- /usr/include/X11) echo ../X11R6/include/X11 ;;
- /usr/lib/X11) echo ../X11R6/lib/X11 ;;
- *) internal_error "maplink() called with unknown path \"$1\"" ;;
- esac
- }
- analyze_path () {
- # given a supplied set of pathnames, break each one up by directory and do an
- # ls -dl on each component, cumulatively; i.e.
- # analyze_path /usr/X11R6/bin -> ls -dl /usr /usr/X11R6 /usr/X11R6/bin
- # Thanks to Randolph Chung for this clever hack.
- local f g
- while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- reject_whitespace "$1"
- g=
- message "Analyzing $1:"
- for f in $(echo "$1" | tr / \ ); do
- if [ -e /$g$f ]; then
- ls -dl /$g$f /$g$f.dpkg-* 2> /dev/null || true
- g=$g$f/
- else
- message "/$g$f: nonexistent; directory contents of /$g:"
- ls -l /$g
- break
- fi
- done
- shift
- done
- }
- find_culprits () {
- local f p dpkg_info_dir possible_culprits smoking_guns bad_packages package \
- msg
- reject_whitespace "$1"
- message "Searching for overlapping packages..."
- dpkg_info_dir=/var/lib/dpkg/info
- if [ -d $dpkg_info_dir ]; then
- if [ "$(echo $dpkg_info_dir/*.list)" != "$dpkg_info_dir/*.list" ]; then
- possible_culprits=$(ls -1 $dpkg_info_dir/*.list | egrep -v \
- "(xbase-clients|x11-common|xfs|xlibs)")
- if [ -n "$possible_culprits" ]; then
- smoking_guns=$(grep -l "$1" $possible_culprits || true)
- if [ -n "$smoking_guns" ]; then
- bad_packages=$(printf "\\n")
- for f in $smoking_guns; do
- # too bad you can't nest parameter expansion voodoo
- p=${f%*.list} # strip off the trailing ".list"
- package=${p##*/} # strip off the directories
- bad_packages=$(printf "%s\n%s" "$bad_packages" "$package")
- done
- msg=$(cat <<EOF
- The following packages appear to have file overlaps with the X.Org packages;
- these packages are either very old, or in violation of Debian Policy. Try
- upgrading each of these packages to the latest available version if possible:
- for example, with the command "apt-get install". If no newer version of a
- package is available, you will have to remove it; for example, with the command
- "apt-get remove". If even the latest available version of the package has
- this file overlap, please file a bug against that package with the Debian Bug
- Tracking System. You may want to refer the package maintainer to section 12.8
- of the Debian Policy manual.
- )
- message "$msg"
- message "The overlapping packages are: $bad_packages"
- else
- message "no overlaps found."
- fi
- fi
- else
- message "cannot search; no matches for $dpkg_info_dir/*.list."
- fi
- else
- message "cannot search; $dpkg_info_dir does not exist."
- fi
- }
- check_symlink () {
- # syntax: check_symlink symlink
- #
- # See if specified symlink points where it is supposed to. Return 0 if it
- # does, and 1 if it does not.
- #
- # Primarily used by check_symlinks_and_warn() and check_symlinks_and_bomb().
- local symlink
- # validate arguments
- if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
- usage_error "check_symlink() called with wrong number of arguments;" \
- "expected 1, got $#"
- fi
- symlink="$1"
- if [ "$(maplink "$symlink")" = "$(readlink "$symlink")" ]; then
- return 0
- else
- return 1
- fi
- }
- check_symlinks_and_warn () {
- # syntax: check_symlinks_and_warn symlink ...
- #
- # For each argument, check for symlink sanity, and warn if it isn't sane.
- #
- # Call this function from a preinst script in the event $1 is "upgrade" or
- # "install".
- local errmsg symlink
- # validate arguments
- if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
- usage_error "check_symlinks_and_warn() called with wrong number of" \
- "arguments; expected at least 1, got $#"
- fi
- while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- symlink="$1"
- if [ -L "$symlink" ]; then
- if ! check_symlink "$symlink"; then
- observe "$symlink symbolic link points to wrong location" \
- "$(readlink "$symlink"); removing"
- rm "$symlink"
- fi
- elif [ -e "$symlink" ]; then
- errmsg="$symlink exists and is not a symbolic link; this package cannot"
- errmsg="$errmsg be installed until this"
- if [ -f "$symlink" ]; then
- errmsg="$errmsg file"
- elif [ -d "$symlink" ]; then
- errmsg="$errmsg directory"
- else
- errmsg="$errmsg thing"
- fi
- errmsg="$errmsg is removed"
- die "$errmsg"
- fi
- shift
- done
- }
- check_symlinks_and_bomb () {
- # syntax: check_symlinks_and_bomb symlink ...
- #
- # For each argument, check for symlink sanity, and bomb if it isn't sane.
- #
- # Call this function from a postinst script.
- local problem symlink
- # validate arguments
- if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
- usage_error "check_symlinks_and_bomb() called with wrong number of"
- "arguments; expected at least 1, got $#"
- fi
- while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- problem=
- symlink="$1"
- if [ -L "$symlink" ]; then
- if ! check_symlink "$symlink"; then
- problem=yes
- warn "$symlink symbolic link points to wrong location" \
- "$(readlink "$symlink")"
- fi
- elif [ -e "$symlink" ]; then
- problem=yes
- warn "$symlink is not a symbolic link"
- else
- problem=yes
- warn "$symlink symbolic link does not exist"
- fi
- if [ -n "$problem" ]; then
- analyze_path "$symlink" "$(readlink "$symlink")"
- find_culprits "$symlink"
- die "bad symbolic links on system"
- fi
- shift
- done
- }
- font_update () {
- local dir cmd shortcmd x_font_dir_prefix
- x_font_dir_prefix="/usr/share/fonts/X11"
- if [ -z "$UPDATECMDS" ]; then
- usage_error "font_update() called but \$UPDATECMDS not set"
- fi
- if [ -z "$FONTDIRS" ]; then
- usage_error "font_update() called but \$FONTDIRS not set"
- fi
- reject_unlikely_path_chars "$UPDATECMDS"
- reject_unlikely_path_chars "$FONTDIRS"
- for dir in $FONTDIRS; do
- if [ -d "$x_font_dir_prefix/$dir" ]; then
- for cmd in $UPDATECMDS; do
- if which "$cmd" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- shortcmd=${cmd##*/}
- observe "running $shortcmd in $dir font directory"
- cmd_opts=
- if [ "$shortcmd" = "update-fonts-alias" ]; then
- cmd_opts=--x11r7-layout
- fi
- if [ "$shortcmd" = "update-fonts-dir" ]; then
- cmd_opts=--x11r7-layout
- fi
- if [ "$shortcmd" = "update-fonts-scale" ]; then
- cmd_opts=--x11r7-layout
- fi
- $cmd $cmd_opts $dir || warn "$cmd $cmd_opts $dir" \
- "failed; font directory data may not" \
- "be up to date"
- else
- warn "$cmd not found; not updating corresponding $dir font" \
- "directory data"
- fi
- done
- else
- warn "$dir is not a directory; not updating font directory data"
- fi
- done
- }
- remove_conffile_prepare () {
- # syntax: remove_conffile_prepare filename official_md5sum ...
- #
- # Check a conffile "filename" against a list of canonical MD5 checksums.
- # If the file's current MD5 checksum matches one of the "official_md5sum"
- # operands provided, then prepare the conffile for removal from the system.
- # We defer actual deletion until the package is configured so that we can
- # roll this operation back if package installation fails.
- #
- # Call this function from a preinst script in the event $1 is "upgrade" or
- # "install" and verify $2 to ensure the package is being upgraded from a
- # version (or installed over a version removed-but-not-purged) prior to the
- # one in which the conffile was obsoleted.
- local conffile current_checksum
- # validate arguments
- if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
- usage_error "remove_conffile_prepare() called with wrong number of" \
- "arguments; expected at least 2, got $#"
- fi
- conffile="$1"
- shift
- # does the conffile even exist?
- if [ -e "$conffile" ]; then
- # calculate its checksum
- current_checksum=$(md5sum < "$conffile" | sed 's/[[:space:]].*//')
- # compare it to each supplied checksum
- while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- if [ "$current_checksum" = "$1" ]; then
- # we found a match; move the confffile and stop looking
- observe "preparing obsolete conffile $conffile for removal"
- mv "$conffile" "$conffile.$THIS_PACKAGE-tmp"
- break
- fi
- shift
- done
- fi
- }
- remove_conffile_lookup () {
- # syntax: remove_conffile_lookup package filename
- #
- # Lookup the md5sum of a conffile in dpkg's database, and prepare for removal
- # if it matches the actual file's md5sum.
- #
- # Call this function when you would call remove_conffile_prepare but only
- # want to check against dpkg's status database instead of known checksums.
- local package conffile old_md5sum
- # validate arguments
- if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
- usage_error "remove_conffile_lookup() called with wrong number of" \
- "arguments; expected 1, got $#"
- fi
- package="$1"
- conffile="$2"
- if ! [ -e "$conffile" ]; then
- return
- fi
- old_md5sum="$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Conffiles}' "$package" | \
- awk '{ if (match($0, "^ '"$conffile"' ")) print $2}')"
- if [ -n "$old_md5sum" ]; then
- remove_conffile_prepare "$conffile" "$old_md5sum"
- fi
- }
- remove_conffile_commit () {
- # syntax: remove_conffile_commit filename
- #
- # Complete the removal of a conffile "filename" that has become obsolete.
- #
- # Call this function from a postinst script after having used
- # remove_conffile_prepare() in the preinst.
- local conffile
- # validate arguments
- if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
- usage_error "remove_conffile_commit() called with wrong number of" \
- "arguments; expected 1, got $#"
- fi
- conffile="$1"
- # if the temporary file created by remove_conffile_prepare() exists, remove it
- if [ -e "$conffile.$THIS_PACKAGE-tmp" ]; then
- observe "committing removal of obsolete conffile $conffile"
- rm "$conffile.$THIS_PACKAGE-tmp"
- fi
- }
- remove_conffile_rollback () {
- # syntax: remove_conffile_rollback filename
- #
- # Roll back the removal of a conffile "filename".
- #
- # Call this function from a postrm script in the event $1 is "abort-upgrade"
- # or "abort-install" is after having used remove_conffile_prepare() in the
- # preinst.
- local conffile
- # validate arguments
- if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
- usage_error "remove_conffile_rollback() called with wrong number of" \
- "arguments; expected 1, got $#"
- fi
- conffile="$1"
- # if the temporary file created by remove_conffile_prepare() exists, move it
- # back
- if [ -e "$conffile.$THIS_PACKAGE-tmp" ]; then
- observe "rolling back removal of obsolete conffile $conffile"
- mv "$conffile.$THIS_PACKAGE-tmp" "$conffile"
- fi
- }
- replace_conffile_with_symlink_prepare () {
- # syntax: replace_conffile_with_symlink_prepare oldfilename newfilename \
- # official_md5sum ...
- #
- # Check a conffile "oldfilename" against a list of canonical MD5 checksums.
- # If the file's current MD5 checksum matches one of the "official_md5sum"
- # operands provided, then prepare the conffile for removal from the system.
- # We defer actual deletion until the package is configured so that we can
- # roll this operation back if package installation fails. Otherwise copy it
- # to newfilename and let dpkg handle it through conffiles mechanism.
- #
- # Call this function from a preinst script in the event $1 is "upgrade" or
- # "install" and verify $2 to ensure the package is being upgraded from a
- # version (or installed over a version removed-but-not-purged) prior to the
- # one in which the conffile was obsoleted.
- local conffile current_checksum
- # validate arguments
- if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then
- usage_error "replace_conffile_with_symlink_prepare() called with wrong" \
- " number of arguments; expected at least 3, got $#"
- fi
- oldconffile="$1"
- shift
- newconffile="$1"
- shift
- remove_conffile_prepare "$_oldconffile" "$@"
- # If $oldconffile still exists, then md5sums didn't match.
- # Copy it to new one.
- if [ -f "$oldconffile" ]; then
- cp "$oldconffile" "$newconffile"
- fi
- }
- replace_conffile_with_symlink_commit () {
- # syntax: replace_conffile_with_symlink_commit oldfilename
- #
- # Complete the removal of a conffile "oldfilename" that has been
- # replaced by a symlink.
- #
- # Call this function from a postinst script after having used
- # replace_conffile_with_symlink_prepare() in the preinst.
- local conffile
- # validate arguments
- if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
- usage_error "replace_conffile_with_symlink_commit() called with wrong" \
- "number of arguments; expected 1, got $#"
- fi
- conffile="$1"
- remove_conffile_commit "$conffile"
- }
- replace_conffile_with_symlink_rollback () {
- # syntax: replace_conffile_with_symlink_rollback oldfilename newfilename
- #
- # Roll back the replacing of a conffile "oldfilename" with symlink to
- # "newfilename".
- #
- # Call this function from a postrm script in the event $1 is "abort-upgrade"
- # or "abort-install" and verify $2 to ensure the package failed to upgrade
- # from a version (or install over a version removed-but-not-purged) prior
- # to the one in which the conffile was obsoleted.
- # You should have used replace_conffile_with_symlink_prepare() in the
- # preinst.
- local conffile
- # validate arguments
- if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
- usage_error "replace_conffile_with_symlink_rollback() called with wrong" \
- "number of arguments; expected 2, got $#"
- fi
- oldconffile="$1"
- newconffile="$2"
- remove_conffile_rollback "$_oldconffile"
- if [ -f "$newconffile" ]; then
- rm "$newconffile"
- fi
- }
- run () {
- # syntax: run command [ argument ... ]
- #
- # Run specified command with optional arguments and report its exit status.
- # Useful for commands whose exit status may be nonzero, but still acceptable,
- # or commands whose failure is not fatal to us.
- #
- # NOTE: Do *not* use this function with db_get or db_metaget commands; in
- # those cases the return value of the debconf command *must* be checked
- # before the string returned by debconf is used for anything.
- local retval
- # validate arguments
- if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
- usage_error "run() called with wrong number of arguments; expected at" \
- "least 1, got $#"
- fi
- "$@" || retval=$?
- if [ ${retval:-0} -ne 0 ]; then
- observe "command \"$*\" exited with status $retval"
- fi
- }
- make_symlink_sane () {
- # syntax: make_symlink_sane symlink target
- #
- # Ensure that the symbolic link symlink exists, and points to target.
- #
- # If symlink does not exist, create it and point it at target.
- #
- # If symlink exists but is not a symbolic link, back it up.
- #
- # If symlink exists, is a symbolic link, but points to the wrong location, fix
- # it.
- #
- # If symlink exists, is a symbolic link, and already points to target, do
- # nothing.
- #
- # This function wouldn't be needed if ln had an -I, --idempotent option.
- # Validate arguments.
- if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
- usage_error "make_symlink_sane() called with wrong number of arguments;" \
- "expected 2, got $#"
- fi
- # We could just use the positional parameters as-is, but that makes things
- # harder to follow.
- local symlink target
- symlink="$1"
- target="$2"
- if [ -L "$symlink" ] && [ "$(readlink "$symlink")" = "$target" ]; then
- observe "link from $symlink to $target already exists"
- else
- observe "creating symbolic link from $symlink to $target"
- mkdir -p "${target%/*}" "${symlink%/*}"
- ln -s -b -S ".dpkg-old" "$target" "$symlink"
- fi
- }
- migrate_dir_to_symlink () {
- # syntax: migrate_dir_to_symlink old_location new_location
- #
- # Per Debian Policy section 6.5.4, "A directory will never be replaced by a
- # symbolic link to a directory or vice versa; instead, the existing state
- # (symlink or not) will be left alone and dpkg will follow the symlink if
- # there is one."
- #
- # We have to do it ourselves.
- #
- # This function moves the contents of old_location, a directory, into
- # new_location, a directory, then makes old_location a symbolic link to
- # new_location.
- #
- # old_location need not exist, but if it does, it must be a directory (or a
- # symlink to a directory). If it is not, it is backed up. If new_location
- # exists already and is not a directory, it is backed up.
- #
- # This function should be called from a package's preinst so that other
- # packages unpacked after this one --- but before this package's postinst runs
- # --- are unpacked into new_location even if their payloads contain
- # old_location filespecs.
- # Validate arguments.
- if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
- usage_error "migrate_dir_to_symlink() called with wrong number of"
- "arguments; expected 2, got $#"
- fi
- # We could just use the positional parameters as-is, but that makes things
- # harder to follow.
- local new old
- old="$1"
- new="$2"
- # Is old location a symlink?
- if [ -L "$old" ]; then
- # Does it already point to new location?
- if [ "$(readlink "$old")" = "$new" ]; then
- # Nothing to do; migration has already been done.
- observe "migration of $old to $new already done"
- return 0
- else
- # Back it up.
- warn "backing up symbolic link $old as $old.dpkg-old"
- mv -b "$old" "$old.dpkg-old"
- fi
- fi
- # Does old location exist, but is not a directory?
- if [ -e "$old" ] && ! [ -d "$old" ]; then
- # Back it up.
- warn "backing up non-directory $old as $old.dpkg-old"
- mv -b "$old" "$old.dpkg-old"
- fi
- observe "migrating $old to $new"
- # Is new location a symlink?
- if [ -L "$new" ]; then
- # Does it point the wrong way, i.e., back to where we're migrating from?
- if [ "$(readlink "$new")" = "$old" ]; then
- # Get rid of it.
- observe "removing symbolic link $new which points to $old"
- rm "$new"
- else
- # Back it up.
- warn "backing up symbolic link $new as $new.dpkg-old"
- mv -b "$new" "$new.dpkg-old"
- fi
- fi
- # Does new location exist, but is not a directory?
- if [ -e "$new" ] && ! [ -d "$new" ]; then
- warn "backing up non-directory $new as $new.dpkg-old"
- mv -b "$new" "$new.dpkg-old"
- fi
- # Create new directory if it does not yet exist.
- if ! [ -e "$new" ]; then
- observe "creating $new"
- mkdir -p "$new"
- fi
- # Copy files in old location to new location. Back up any filenames that
- # already exist in the new location with the extension ".dpkg-old".
- observe "copying files from $old to $new"
- if ! (cd "$old" && cp -a -b -S ".dpkg-old" . "$new"); then
- die "error(s) encountered while copying files from $old to $new"
- fi
- # Remove files at old location.
- observe "removing $old"
- rm -r "$old"
- # Create symlink from old location to new location.
- make_symlink_sane "$old" "$new"
- }
- # vim:set ai et sw=2 ts=2 tw=80:
- # GOBSTOPPER: The X Strike Force shell library ends here.
- case "$1" in
- configure)
- if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt-nl "7.3+4"; then
- remove_conffile_commit "/etc/X11/app-defaults/Xedit"
- remove_conffile_commit "/etc/X11/app-defaults/Xedit-color"
- fi
- esac
- # Automatically added by dh_installmenu
- if [ "$1" = "configure" ] && [ -x "`which update-menus 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
- update-menus
- fi
- # End automatically added section
- # vim:set ai et sts=2 sw=2 tw=0: